Effective Muscle Stretching

Effective Muscle Stretching

Many professionals will agree that stretching is important for our muscles. However, we are finding that just stretching a muscle isn’t all that effective or beneficial.   When we look at a muscle microscopically we see billions of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are the basic...
Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic Headaches

Headaches affect almost half of the population. While headaches are common they are not normal. 15-20% of all headaches are “cervicogenic headaches.” This means the root cause is a problem in the neck. This type of headache is what chiropractic is most...
Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Whole Body Health Care treats patients with neck pain on a daily basis. Neck pain affects over half of the population at some point in an individual’s life. It is second only to lower back pain as a cause of lost workdays. Neck Pain One of the most common causes...
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