Foot and Ankle

The ankle is the joint between the foot and leg. It supports all a person’s weight when standing. If you’ve ever seen still shots of athletes changing direction you know it does this at various angles. You need it to walk, run, jump, and perform a variety of other actions. It permits movement and contributes to lower limb stability. It’s truly a wonder it isn’t hurt more often.


To be clear, it’s injured quite a bit. Ligaments are responsible for keeping this joint intact. They need to be strong and incredibly accurate. As such, these structures are the most readily injured.  The foot and ankle are important to so many things that we do. If either are restricted, it will affect balance and walking pattern.

The muscles undergo quite a bit of strain. The muscles around the foot and ankle are what keep us balanced. Stand on one foot and notice how much activity is going on in your ankle. Not enough for you? Try it with your eyes closed!  Another important thing to look for here is the arch of the foot. Do you have one? Can you slide a couple of fingers under the middle of your foot while standing? Is it too high and painful?

Let your chiropractor know if you feel unstable or can’t walk straight, or if you have pain while walking. Maybe it feels like you’re walking on marbles.

Get in Touch

Whole Body Health Care offers several tools to help ease your pain. If we can’t we’ll send you to the right place for you. If this applies to you or someone you know, don’t delay! Get in today and we’ll find out if we can help!

Common Symptoms Chiropractic Physicians Treat:

  • Dull or sharp Pain
  • Swelling
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness
  • Soreness
  • Inability to move either hand or wrist
  • Relief from shaking hands often
  • Nighttime discomfort
  • Pain gripping objects
  • Muscle spasms
  • Inability to lift objects


Conditions Chiropractic Physicians Treat:

  • Pronator Teres Syndrome
  • Radial Tunnel Syndrome
  • De Quervain’s / Stenosing Tenosynovitis
  • Hand Osteoarthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Upper Crossed Syndrome
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