PRP – The Ultimate Biohack

Who heals you? Is it a doctor, a therapist, a drug, or a treatment? While these interventions can be beneficial, the only thing that can truly heal your body is itself. Our bodies are designed to be self-regenerating, and external treatments merely stimulate...

Ozone Injections

What Is An Ozone Injection? We use medical-grade oxygen (O2) combined with an ozone generator to make O2/O3. We fill a syringe with it and inject it into a selected area to treat painful, injured, and damaged tissues. Typically ozone is combined in our...

Platelet Therapies (PRP, PPP, etc.)

Are you set to get PRP from us and need to prepare??? Go here to see what you need to know before! If you’re considering PRP, prolotherapy, or stem cell treatment, chances are, you have many questions. You’ve come to the right place! While of course, you’ll...

Homeopathic Injections

Effective Muscle Stretching

Many professionals will agree that stretching is important for our muscles. However, we are finding that just stretching a muscle isn’t all that effective or beneficial.   When we look at a muscle microscopically we see billions of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are...

PRP – The Ultimate Biohack

Who heals you? Is it a doctor, a therapist, a drug, or a treatment? While these interventions can be beneficial, the only thing that can truly heal your body is itself. Our bodies are designed to be self-regenerating, and external treatments merely stimulate this...

Ozone Injections

What Is An Ozone Injection? We use medical-grade oxygen (O2) combined with an ozone generator to make O2/O3. We fill a syringe with it and inject it into a selected area to treat painful, injured, and damaged tissues. Typically ozone is combined in our office with a...

Platelet Therapies (PRP, PPP, etc.)

Are you set to get PRP from us and need to prepare??? Go here to see what you need to know before! If you’re considering PRP, prolotherapy, or stem cell treatment, chances are, you have many questions. You’ve come to the right place! While of course, you’ll have...

Effective Muscle Stretching

Effective Muscle Stretching

Many professionals will agree that stretching is important for our muscles. However, we are finding that just stretching a muscle isn’t all that effective or beneficial.   When we look at a muscle microscopically we see billions of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are the basic...

Rectal Insufflation

As the name suggests, “Rectal Insufflation” refers to introducing ozone into the body through the rectum. If you are new to ozone, this sounds like a very strange thing to do. However, enemas are not a new thing and oxygen (O2) has been infused rectally during surgery...

Ozone Gas

In its natural state ozone is a gas. You will likely be most familiar with the layer of ozone that covers the earth. The ozone layer is mainly created by UV rays from the sun splitting apart O2 molecules and a certain concentration of them reforming as O3....

Preparation For PRP – What To Know Before

FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN SUB-OPTIMAL TREATMENT! What are Platelets? Platelets are responsible for the first stages of healing when your body is injured. They do two things in your body: Form a clot and prevent you from bleeding to...

Ozone Water

Ozone pumped through water will bubble and dissolve in a way that it is retained. You can think of it like carbonated water used for sodas. However, it will not hold its state as long before becoming "flat". Therefore, it can't be bottled and stored. What would you do...

Ozone Therapy Overview

What do you suppose is the body’s most essential nutrient? Is it food? Proteins, fats, carbs? Maybe water? It is oxygen! If you don’t think that’s true try going the whole day without breathing. You can go days without food, weeks without water, but only minutes...

Do I Need an MRI / X-ray?

Do I Need an MRI / X-ray?

This is a common question that I get asked. I am supportive of people wanting to get diagnostic imaging done when they want it. It provides peace of mind and good information. Sometimes, critical information. But, let's discuss some things.   What Is Diagnostic...

How Do I Find a Good Chiropractor?

How Do I Find a Good Chiropractor?

I've been thinking recently about a post I saw asking about a chiropractic visit. They wanted to know if they had been part of a sales gimmick. Having experienced many management groups for chiropractors I thought they had been. The purpose of my writing this is not...

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic Headaches

Headaches affect almost half of the population. While headaches are common they are not normal. 15-20% of all headaches are "cervicogenic headaches." This means the root cause is a problem in the neck. This type of headache is what chiropractic is most successful...

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

We are all about functional movement without pain. If you like movement look no further than the shoulder which is the most mobile joint of the body. Usually, when people complain of shoulder pain it isn't a shoulder problem at all. It is a muscle or joint in the neck...

Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee Pain Knees are a more straightforward joint, made for stability. Don't let that fool you though. Having the ability to open and close while maintaining so much weight comes at a price. A lot of injuries involve the 'cruciate' ligaments. No, not a spell from Harry...

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

The Chiropractor's Bread and Butter Many people reach out to our Chiropractic office for lower back issues. Lower back pain affects 80% of individuals at some point in their life and 1/3 of the population on a yearly basis. Causes of Lower Back Pain One of the most...

Elbow Pain

Elbow Pain

Whole Body Health Care is concerned with treating the whole body. The elbow isn't usually plagued by joint restriction. Rather, wear and tear to the muscles surrounding it becomes the issue. The prime examples of this are tennis elbow or golfer's elbow. These are...

Hip Pain

Hip Pain

With the hip being the second most mobile joint in the body (beaten out by the shoulder) it needs attention. Since it carries the weight of the body, it becomes much more important. The largest muscles in our body live around the hip and are responsible for its motion...

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